
This past Friday, I shared Abilene with any who may wish to come near enough to listen. Sharing songs at this point in my life has been quite an unexpected experience for me, nothing short of joy-filled.

Truth be told, I have always wrestled with what to do with the songs. Surely that cannot sound completely foreign to at least some. I have written them for almost as long as I can recall. Some are better than others. All have brought me joy in their first moments. All have brought me joy and comfort along my little track across this big, beautiful ball of life as it hurls its way through space and time.

Who are they for? What are they worth? Does anyone really need to hear me sing a song? Is what I have to say all that important? Were it not for my little family, my dear friends grafted-in like family, my new-found tribe of sister and brother Crows; I likely would not be sharing them now.

Oddly, in retrospect not surprisingly, learning to appreciate and love my community has been key to encouraging me, spurring me, out of my songster hermit’s hideaway. Surely, I will say this again and again as I remind my too often timid heart; the songs are gifts to me, but they are not for me only.

I suppose that is enough peeking inside for this moment. Enjoy Abilene if you wish to make it digitally spin. The lovely electric guitar work is my dear friend Mike Bauer. Mike has given the gifted so many in our little hamlet with his outstanding guitar teaching. I recommend no guitar teacher more highly – https://www.nashvilleguitaracademy.com/. The groovy backing vocals are Kristin Bauer. Dear friends and wonderful musicians. Is always a joy for me making music with Mike and Kristin.

If you are humming, harping, or playing along; I am playing in D Major.

For My Girl

Twelve years ago I shared a collection of songs with whomever might come to listen, might happen to stumble upon them. I titled the collection Songs from Fort Defiance, Vol. 1. The volume one add was very intentional. The addition was a reminder to me that I needed to share more songs. It was a reminder to me that I was not finished hiking my musical trail.

Today I shared the first of a new collection of songs. The title will be Songs from Fort Defiance, Vol. 2. The first tune, appearing in the stream-verse today, is For My Girl. The song spark was a winsome politician’s smile. That first line emerged from a heart giving in to the cynicism of a moment.

In the end, the song had something far better than cynicism to bring to me. I am grateful for the opportunity to share it with you. I hope it has something for you in it too.

For those inclined to join the throng with guitar, piano, hornpipe, etc.

I am playing in C Major.

New Songs

There is nothing quite like the feeling of a newly written tune. It is a gift. Every time I get to experience it, I am deeply grateful. This one started out on the guitar, but I really enjoyed finishing it on the piano. This is basically a work-tape recording. But worth sharing, I think.

Feel free to hum or play along. I am playing this one in C. Enjoy.

An update for the curious: Directly below is my original piano work tape recording. As is often the case, I donned my editor/refiner hat. The lyrics below are edited some as I often have to discover how I might actually play and sing the song. Below the piano version, I share the guitar/harmonica rendition. You could call it the “traveling troubadour” version. I love pianos, but they do not travel well.



Trouble Come

In the morning I must go, never to come back.

I’ve loved your love for a season.

But in my youth, I crossed a man and he’s ever on my track,

and if the harm came to you I’d be grieving.

“I will not let you go.” My love she spoke to me,  

“I will not have your love for just a season”

You underestimate me, my love. Trouble I’ve known some.

Let trouble come.  Let the man give me reason.

She said, “My daddy was a bad outlaw, many a man feared his gun,

And I his only child, and he raised me strong as any son.

I can ride long and fast, load and shoot good as any man.

Let trouble come.  Trouble won’t find me fearing none.

So we made up our minds to stay. And God gave us three lovely daughters

And my love said, “Let’s raise them fierce as any sons,

And should trouble come some night we’ll put up one hell of a fight.

God help the man with any mind to harm us.

Now after a score of quiet years, joy, laughter, and tears

The crack of fiery shells upset my slumber.

Before I could rouse my gun the skirmish was all done.

The man had finally come and he’d fallen like thunder.

Now as the morning light did break, I did rise to survey

Many were the men who’d come and fallen.

For three daughters I could account, but my love was nowhere about

And I knew that dark angel had come calling.

I had told her, “In the morning I must go, never to come back

I’ve loved your love for a season.

But in my youth, I crossed a man, and he’s ever on my track

and if the harm came to you I’d be grieving”

“I will not let you go.” My love she said to me,  

“I will not hold your love for just a season”

You underestimate me, my love. Trouble I’ve known some.

Let the man come.  Let the man give me reason.

copyright scot phegley