
This is where I am supposed to tell you something about me and why this place exists out here among the whirrings and stirrings of the internet. I am also supposed to convince you that it is worth an occasional visit.

What to say…

I am husband to Kimberly. I am father to not-so-little-anymore miracles #1, #2, and #3. I am friend to far more than I deserve. I am a thinker, runner, hiker, prayer, and songster. I play several instruments as best I can.

I am an adequate cook, but probably just so. I can concoct some, as some would attest, addictive peanut butters as well as some respectable salsa.

I am more than that, but that is a start and quite enough at present.

For too many years I have kept this musical habit mostly under wraps. I am not sure why for certain. I would only share songs with my closest of friends. I would only play them out for people when an in-the-know friend would twist my arm or in some other way nudge me to do so.

In truth, there are likely several reasons for the self-chosen obscurity. For quite some time I have devoted much of my time to the little miracles. I love the time that I have with them now, but they are on their way to being self-sufficient at this point. Perhaps this just leaves me running out of excuses.

Self-doubt. I suppose all of us, were we to be honest, have dealt with this unkindly fellow. May he not forever win the day over any of us.

Songs. I write and sing songs. One day I wrote a song sitting and hammering away at my mom’s old Baldwin, and I have never stopped. I spent a few too many years under the spell of a voice attesting as I walked through the world amid all the noise, “The world doesn’t need another song.”

One day when I again found myself feeling the burden of those words, I heard another voice…whisper-like, “But I do.”

There is more to say, but we are getting close to enough for now. The story is unfolding. I have come to realize that songs are for sharing. They are gifts to me and for me, but not for me only. They are not for everyone, and I am alright with that.

So I have begun writing and telling stories here. I will share some songs too. Some of the recordings will be better than others. Consider yourself warned.

Thanks for stopping by. Be set free to sing or hum along. When I know, I will try to remember to tell you in which key I am playing and trying my best to sing.

If you are interested in more songs, there are a few you can find on Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc. I hope there will be more recordings to share with you soon.