Not so long into this summer, I was given the most glorious picture of how we were meant to live. I was granted this experience which held such beautiful instruction and exhortation for my heart. All that I am given is not for me. How many times will I have to encounter this deep truth before I give myself over to live in it? My hope and prayer is that I would begin to reflect and tell this truth with my actions. Even if my powers and abilities to do so are ever so small.
If you are one who is close to me. Hold me accountable. Say to me, “Take action. Cease hoarding! Share with those with whom you can!”
I am going to switch topics on you a little bit. Just yesterday evening a group of friends, some new and some old, and I were discussing the story of Hosea. I love the story of Hosea. This wild and scandalous tale of how Hosea, the prophet of Israel, takes for a wife the ever-wandering, unfaithful Gomer. It is quite a story. I will not do it justice to retell it. Find some time. Pour something you enjoy sipping. Read it.
As providence would have it, I happened upon an old and simple recording of a song that I wrote after spending some time reading and considering this old story. In that spirit of sharing…