This past Friday, I shared Abilene with any who may wish to come near enough to listen. Sharing songs at this point in my life has been quite an unexpected experience for me, nothing short of joy-filled.
Truth be told, I have always wrestled with what to do with the songs. Surely that cannot sound completely foreign to at least some. I have written them for almost as long as I can recall. Some are better than others. All have brought me joy in their first moments. All have brought me joy and comfort along my little track across this big, beautiful ball of life as it hurls its way through space and time.
Who are they for? What are they worth? Does anyone really need to hear me sing a song? Is what I have to say all that important? Were it not for my little family, my dear friends grafted-in like family, my new-found tribe of sister and brother Crows; I likely would not be sharing them now.
Oddly, in retrospect not surprisingly, learning to appreciate and love my community has been key to encouraging me, spurring me, out of my songster hermit’s hideaway. Surely, I will say this again and again as I remind my too often timid heart; the songs are gifts to me, but they are not for me only.
I suppose that is enough peeking inside for this moment. Enjoy Abilene if you wish to make it digitally spin. The lovely electric guitar work is my dear friend Mike Bauer. Mike has given the gifted so many in our little hamlet with his outstanding guitar teaching. I recommend no guitar teacher more highly – The groovy backing vocals are Kristin Bauer. Dear friends and wonderful musicians. Is always a joy for me making music with Mike and Kristin.
If you are humming, harping, or playing along; I am playing in D Major.