We have a little one moving about to the music a little way into this song. God bless and thanks for feeling the music with me, little one.
The cicadas played shaker for me, and I thank them for what they did bring. Enjoy. If you play guitar, piano, uke, or the spoons…learn this one if you like it and sing it for your special someone. Gracias. Amen.
Go, Run, Cry, Joyfully Along, Singing, “Glory!” I took a class once and was to be tested on the Ordo Salutis. Historically, I am not good at tests. As I recall, I did pretty well on this one. Ordo Salutis: General Call, (Next many add effective or specific call), Regeneration, Conversion, Justification, Adoption, Sanctification, Glorification Ezekiel 36:26, 1 Peter 1:3
Have to be honest, I just about lost it singing this with the wonderful, beautiful people at the Kerrville Folk Festival. Once I had taught them the chorus line, the way in which they with fervor sang along with me, it spun me round in both head and heart. Truth be told, they strongly finished out the final chorus for me. Amazing to me. Beautiful. Makes me want to go and be with them again. Indeed songs are meant to be shared. If you wish to hear me sing to the end, check out the link below. 🙂
Could not resist sharing this little video snippet. Parker took that shirt with him as he went off to college here recently. If you have little ones, savor every moment. What your mom and your elders told you is true. They will be grown and spread beautiful wings to fly before you turn around.